MEXT’s Health and Hygiene Information Websitefor Schools for Foreign Students

Thorough Ventilation to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19 and its Effective Implementation


We would like to announce that the following three administrative notifications regarding countermeasures against COVID-19 in schools issued by MEXT.

The Office for a Professional Platform of Health and Hygiene Environment in Schools for Foreign Students provided by MEXT
TEL: 050-3187-8114 (a multilingual consultation service)

Thorough Ventilation to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19
and its Effective Implementation

Elementary and Secondary Education Bureau,
Health Education and Food Education (Shokuiku) Division

The summer vacation period is now over, and the new school term has begun. In regards to the current COVID-19 situation, although the numbers of new infections are declining nationwide, infection level still remains high, and as far as the locations of new cases of infections, the number of new cases of infection at schools etc. is on the rise after showing declines. From now it will be essential to pay attention to the impact of the reopening of schools on the COVID-19 infection situation.
In order to prevent the spread of infections at schools, it is necessary to continue the daily monitoring of the health of teachers, staff and students, and if any individuals show symptoms of COVID-19 such as coughing or fever or do not feel well, they should be kept from attending school.
In regards to teachers and staff, in addition to health monitoring, depending on the local circumstances, teachers and staff may be subject to a health examination before going to the school based on the local government or the school. Additionally, in cases where there are concerns that infections are spreading within a school, the board of education or school establisher may need to quickly decide to temporarily close the school. Moreover, as stipulated up to now in the COVID-19 Infection Control Manuals and Guidelines
for schools and successive administrative notifications from MEXT, it is important to take basic infection countermeasures thoroughly, including the avoidance of the three “Cs” (closed spaces, crowded places, close-contact), ensuring distance between people, wearing of masks, keeping hand clean by the washing of hands etc., implementing adequate ventilation, and so on.
We are well aware that schools have been devising measures and making various efforts for basic infection countermeasures in accordance with the infection situation and circumstances in the region.
However, especially regarding ventilation, because of the importance of thorough ventilation and considering that there are many viewpoints that should be taken into account when taking them, including legal and technical aspects, we are informing you again of the basic underlying concepts and specific methods for ventilation as the attached file.

We are sharing this announcement with you with the hope that it will be utilized as a reference for your consideration of your responses to COVID-19.

To Prefectural miscellaneous category school departments: Please send this notification to the miscellaneous schools for foreign students under your jurisdiction.
To JCIS and AEBJ: Please send this notification to members of your council or association.