MEXT’s Health and Hygiene Information Websitefor Schools for Foreign Students

Information for Students and Parents regarding Vaccinations against the Omicron Variant


We would like to announce that the following three administrative notifications regarding countermeasures against COVID-19 in schools issued by MEXT.

The Office for a Professional Platform of Health and Hygiene Environment in Schools for Foreign Students provided by MEXT
TEL: 050-3187-8114 (a multilingual consultation service)

Information for Students and Parents regarding Vaccinations against the Omicron Variant

International Affairs Division, Minister's Secretariat,MEXT

For the last two years, COVID-19 infections have spread at the end of the year and the beginning of the new year, and, moreover, experts have warned of concurrent spread of COVID-19 and seasonal influenza this autumn and winter. In fact, the number of new cases of COVID-19 infection is currently increasing nationwide, and future trends must be closely monitored.

Therefore, the government is working to ensure the vaccination system and publicize the Omicron-adapted vaccine, which is expected to be more effective than the conventional vaccine in preventing serious illnesses and also more effective against future mutant variants, so that all eligible persons who want to receive the vaccine can be vaccinated by the end of this year.

Currently, the Omicron-adapted vaccine is available to all persons over the age of 12 who have completed the initial vaccination (1st and 2nd noculation), including some children in the 6th grade of elementary school and all students in junior high school and above.
However, all vaccinations are not compulsory, and the decisions of children and their parents should be respected, so it is important to inform them fully of the scope of vaccination coverage, the effects and adverse reactions of the vaccine, and information on where to consult regarding the vaccination. Therefore, we would like to ask you to continue to publicize and promote the vaccine in accordance with the requests of the local health authorities in your area.

In particular, the previous administrative notifications have cited examples of efforts by local governments, such as placing leaflets and other materials prepared by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) where parents easily visit, and posting them on websites and school networks. In this case, please take care not to place an excessive burden on school teachers and staff, and proceed with initiatives according to the local situation. Moreover, please consider using these leaflets after making necessary edits, such as specifying local consultation offices, so that children and their parents can obtain information on where to consult about vaccination.

In addition, regarding the concept and points to keep in mind concerning the vaccination of children with the COVID-19 vaccine, please refer to the administrative notification "Points regarding the Implementation of Vaccinations for Infants and Children against COVID-19 Infections in Schools (Administrative Notification dated September 12, 2022, International Affairs Division, Minister’s Secretariat, MEXT)” as necessary.
We are sharing this announcement with you with the hope that it will be utilized as a reference for your consideration of your responses to COVID-19.
To Prefectural miscellaneous category school departments: Please send this notification to the miscellaneous schools for foreign students under your jurisdiction.
To JCIS and AEBJ: Please send this notification to members of your council or association.

○Leaflet prepared by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW)
1st issuance: Notice of Vaccination with Omicron-adapted Bivalent Vaccine (in Japanese)
(Content) Explanation of the start of inoculation with the Omicron variant-compatible bivalent vaccine, the target population and start date of inoculation, its effectiveness and safety, etc.

2nd issuance: 2nd Bivalent Vaccine against the Omicron Variant (Ver. 2) (in Japanese)
(Content) Calls for vaccination with either the BA.1-compatible type or the BA.4-5-compatible type, whichever can be administered earlier.

3rd issuance: Shortening of Dosage Interval to Three Months (in Japanese)
(Content) Calls for vaccination before the end of the year, taking into consideration that the interval between possible inoculations with the Omicron -adapted bivalent vaccine is now three months.

○Government Internet TV
Countermeasures against COVID-19 –“Bivalent Vaccine” (in Japanese)
(Content) Video calling for vaccination with bivalent vaccine against Omicron variant by the end of the year.

Neo x Dr. Kinoshita, “Asking about the New COVID-19 Vaccine” (in Japanese)
(Content) Video of model/video creator Neo asking expert Dr. Takahiro Kinoshita about the merits of the Omicron -adapted bivalent vaccine, etc.

(For doctors) Recent trends in vaccines against omicron variant of COVID-19 (MHLW) (in Japanese)
(Contents) Video introducing recent trends in the vaccination system, types and characteristics, their efficacy, and the situation in other countries of bivalent vaccines against omicron variants.

Points regarding the Implementation of Vaccinations for Infants and Children against COVID-19
Infections in Schools (Administrative Notification dated September 12, 2022, International Affairs Division, Minister’s Secretariat, MEXT)

(Content) Ideas and points to keep in mind at schools, etc. concerning vaccination against COVID-19 infection