MEXT’s Health and Hygiene Information Websitefor Schools for Foreign Students

Regarding the Basic Guidelines for the Handling of Masks during the Graduation Ceremonies (Notification)


In light of the decision made by the Countermeasures Headquarters on January 27th and February 10th, we wish to inform you of the basic guidelines regarding the handling of masks during the graduation ceremonies.

The Office for a Professional Platform of Health and Hygiene Environment in Schools for Foreign Students provided by MEXT
TEL: 050-3187-8114 (a multilingual consultation service)

Regarding the Basic Guidelines for the Handling of Masks during the Graduation Ceremonies (Notification)

Director-General of the Elementary and Secondary Education Bureau, MEXT
Fujiwara Akio

The Committee for Countermeasures against the Novel Coronavirus Infection held a meeting on January 27th to decide on the "Policy Regarding Changes in the Status of the Novel Coronavirus Infection under the Infectious Diseases Control Law."

  • Unless special circumstances arise, such as the emergence of a mutant strain with significantly different pathogenicity from the Omicron strain, the novel coronavirus infection will not be classified as a "novel influenza and other infectious diseases" from May 8th, and will instead be placed in Category 5 infectious diseases.
  • Regarding the use of masks, the current handling, which basically recommends wearing masks indoors, will be revised. The government will not uniformly demand this as a rule. Instead, it will be based on the individual's subjective choice and the wearing of masks will be left to the individual's discretion.
  • The review of the handling of masks will be conducted based on the infection status, etc., and the results, including the timing of the review, will be presented at an early date in the future.
  • In this regard, attention must be taken to observe that when considering children; due consideration must be taken to avoid interference with their growth and development.

In addition, the "Basic Policy on Countermeasures to Deal with the Novel Coronavirus Infection" (hereinafter referred to as the "Basic Policy") was revised with regard to the semi-state of emergency COVID-19 measures, No. 3 "Measures to be taken by prefectures other than the emergency action zones and priority action zones." The upper limit of the capacity utilization rate for holding events was changed.

In addition, the Countermeasures Headquarters against the Novel Coronavirus Infections, which was held on February 10, decided on the "Review of the Concept of Wearing Masks" (hereinafter referred to as the "Decision of the Government Countermeasures Headquarters of February 10th"). The decision stated that "regarding the wearing of masks at graduation ceremonies to be held before April 1st, taking into due consideration the educational significance of the graduation ceremonies, students should attend without wearing masks, and the basic policy for this is included.

We believe that schools are already preparing for graduation ceremonies scheduled to be held later in this academic year. Graduation ceremonies are particularly important events that mark milestones in a student's school life and hold a special meaning for students and others.

Therefore, taking into consideration the educational significance of graduation ceremonies, the attached "Regarding the Handling of Masks during the Graduation Ceremonies" outlines the basic policy based on the Decision of the Government Countermeasures Headquarters of February 10th. We kindly request that school administrators, such as boards of education, and schools make efforts to conduct the graduation ceremony appropriately, while taking into account the situation in each region and school.

In addition, the Decision of the Government Countermeasures Headquarters of February 10th regarding the concept of wearing masks in the new school term starting April 1st states that "the wearing of masks shall not be required as a basic rule in the implementation of school activities." Please be advised that a new notice will be issued regarding this matter.

Furthermore, the Headquarters' decision on the revision of the concept of wearing masks in schools will take effect on April 1st, 2023. Until March 31st, 2023, students are advised to continue wearing appropriate masks during school activities other than graduation ceremonies, as outlined in the "Hygiene Management Manual for the Novel Coronavirus Infections in Schools" prepared by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, and information provided by other relevant administrative offices.

End of the text


Regarding the Handling of Masks during the Graduation Ceremonies, etc.

School graduation ceremonies are meaningful educational activities that provide students with a solemn and refreshing experience and an opportunity to reflect on their school life up to that point, as well as motivate them to move forward into a new life. To date, school graduation ceremonies have been held while taking into consideration the infection situation in the region and adopting creative methods for holding these events.

Considering the educational significance of the graduation ceremony, we have established the following basic policy for its implementation, based on the principle that students and teachers should attend the entire ceremony without wearing masks.

School administrators and schools are requested to make every effort to conduct graduation ceremonies in accordance with this basic policy.

1     Basic Concept

  • Students, teachers, and staff are expected to remove their masks throughout the entire ceremony, including at the entrance and exit, during the ceremonial and congratulatory speeches, the awarding of graduation certificates, and the farewell and acknowledgment speeches.
  • Guests, such as parents, should wear masks and maintain a sufficient distance between seats so that they do not have touching contact with each other; and there is no need to limit the number of participants.

2     Entrance and Exit

  • Students are allowed to remove their masks while entering and leaving the venue.

3     Ceremonial Speech

  • During the ceremonial speech by the principal on stage, congratulatory speeches by guests, opening and closing speeches, etc., students may remove their masks as there is a sufficient physical distance between them and the other students.
  • In addition, principals, guests, and others who deliver the ceremony or congratulatory speeches on stage may also remove their masks, as there is a sufficient physical distance between them and those around them.

4     Awarding of Graduation Certificates

  • Students may remove their masks when receiving their graduation certificates. The same applies to the principal presenting the graduation certificates.

5     Farewell and Acknowledgment Speeches

  • During the farewell speeches of current students and the acknowledgment speeches of graduating students, the students who deliver the farewell speeches and acknowledgment speeches may remove their masks as there is a sufficient physical distance. In addition, students listening to these speeches may also remove their masks

6       Singing of National Anthem, School Anthem, etc., Chorus, etc.

  • While singing the national anthem, school anthem, or other anthems in unison, or during the chorus or during “Calling-Out" by several students, which is known as “Yobikake”, certain measures against infectious diseases, such as wearing masks, should be taken before such activities are conducted. The same applies to singing a song during the “Calling-Out” or “Yobikake" ceremony.

7     Points to be Noted

  • When conducting graduation ceremonies, necessary infection control measures must be taken, including effective ventilation through the use of ventilation equipment, promoting cough etiquette for participants, and promoting hand hygiene, such as hand sanitizing and washing.
  • Guests, guardians, and others must be asked to wear masks and be seated with enough distance between seats so that they do not have touching contact witheach other. There should also be no limit on the number of guests or guardians attending as a measure to prevent infection.
  • Ensure that people suffering from unusual symptoms do not participate in the graduation ceremony. Such symptoms include, but are not limited to, fever, sore throat, and coughing.
  • Schools and teachers must ensure that students are not forced to wear or remove masks in any circumstances, such as if they have underlying medical conditions that make them anxious about infection and they wish to wear masks, or if they are unable to wear masks due to health reasons. Appropriate guidance must also be provided to prevent discrimination or prejudice among students based on whether or not they wear masks.
  • Careful explanation and communication of information regarding the conduct of the graduation ceremony must be provided to students and their parents.
  • Regarding graduation ceremonies at kindergartens and certified childcare facilities, it is not uniformly required for infants before elementary school age to wear masks, but the above measures should be referred to as necessary, taking into consideration the infection situation in the region. The above measures should also be followed regarding the wearing of masks by teaching staff, guests, guardians, etc.