MEXT’s Health and Hygiene Information Websitefor Schools for Foreign Students


Things we can do to protect children from heatstroke

Tuesday, July 9th, 2024 16:00-17:00

In this seminar, an expert in health and hygiene at school will provide a simple explanation regarding
“Things we can do to protect children from heatstroke”

Do you have such concerns as…?
“We want to know about symptoms of heatstroke”
“We want to know about key cautionary points specific to children”
“We want to know about prevention and countermeasures against heatstroke available at schools”

If you have such concerns, we hope this seminar may help you in solving them.

Please click here to apply for the archived seminar.

Tuesday, July 9th, 2024 16:00-17:00
Seminar style
-School personnels in schools with foreign students, especially, staff/managers responsible for health and hygiene
-Children attending the schools for foreign students and the parents/guardians
-Departments in local governments and relevant parties related to schools for foreign students or health and hygiene, and local residents, etc.
1. Opening (5minutes)
 Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

2. Things we can do to protect children from heatstroke (35 minutes)
 National Liaison Committee of Yogo Teacher Vice-chairperson YOSHIDA, Mayumi

3. Information concerning multilingual consultation service regarding health and hygiene (10 minutes)

4.Q & A (10 minutes)
National Liaison Committee of Yogo Teacher Vice-chairperson YOSHIDA, Mayumi
Multilingual service
Interpretation service in Portuguese is available.
Live-stream archive will be sent to you at a later date and will be available in English as well.
MEXT Professional Platform Project of Health and Hygiene Environment in Schools for Foreign Students
The Office for a Professional Platform of Health and Hygiene Environment in Schools for Foreign Students provided by MEXT (mediPhone Inc.)
TEL: 050-3187-8114 (Weekdays 9:00 to 18:00) (a multilingual consultation service)

Application Form for watching the archived seminar.

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