MEXT’s Health and Hygiene Information Websitefor Schools for Foreign Students

Leaflet about Wearing Masks (Request for Further Dissemination)


We would like to announce that the following three administrative notifications regarding countermeasures against COVID-19 in schools issued by MEXT.

The Office for a Professional Platform of Health and Hygiene Environment in Schools for Foreign Students provided by MEXT
TEL: 050-3187-8114 (a multilingual consultation service)

Leaflet about Wearing Masks (Request for Further Dissemination)

Elementary and Secondary Education Bureau,
Health Education and Food Education (Shokuiku) Division

In order to further disseminate the concept of wearing masks, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) has issued the attached leaflet and disseminated to health departments of each prefecture.
Regarding the wearing of masks at schools, in the "COVID-19 Infection Control Manuals and Guidelines for Schools" and successive administrative notifications, etc., we have shown some points including:

  • The wearing of masks is not required where sufficient physical distance can be maintained.
  • During physical education classes, sports club activities, and when commuting to and from school, children and students should be instructed to remove their masks under the device and consideration of infection control measures.
  • Pre-school children should not be uniformly required to wear masks.Although there is no change in these measures, we would like to ask you to wear masks in a manner that is appropriate to the location and scene of the activity at school while using the leaflet and others to seek the understanding and cooperation of children, students, parents, etc. We would like you to refer to the English version of the leaflet for foreign visitors to Japan prepared by MHLW. We are sharing this announcement with you with the hope that it will be utilized as a reference for your consideration of your responses to COVID-19. To Prefectural miscellaneous category school departments: Please send this notification to the miscellaneous schools for foreign students under your jurisdiction. To JCIS and AEBJ: Please send this notification to members of your council or association.

Although there is no change in these measures, we would like to ask you to wear masks in a manner that is appropriate to the location and scene of the activity at school while using the leaflet and others to seek the understanding and cooperation of children, students, parents, etc.

We would like you to refer to the English version of the leaflet for foreign visitors to Japan prepared by MHLW.
We are sharing this announcement with you with the hope that it will be utilized as a reference for your consideration of your responses to COVID-19.

To Prefectural miscellaneous category school departments: Please send this notification to the miscellaneous schools for foreign students under your jurisdiction.
To JCIS and AEBJ: Please send this notification to members of your council or association.