MEXT’s Health and Hygiene Information Websitefor Schools for Foreign Students

Announcement: Release of Multilingual “Health and Hygiene Awareness Materials for Schools for Foreign Students


We are pleased to inform you that as a part of our project, we have developed and published three health and hygiene-related materials in multiple languages for teachers and staff at schools for foreign students. These materials are intended to serve as a reference for improving health and hygiene environments at schools for foreign students.

Please recognize that this document is prepared on January 24, 2025 by the Office for a Professional Platform of Health and Hygiene Environment in Schools for Foreign Students provided by MEXT, and this tentative translation may vary from a standard translation published by the Japanese Government.

①“How to call an ambulance”

The material has blank sections designated for a school name and address to ensure that you can provide all the necessary information when calling 119. Please fill in the sections with necessary information and display it by the phone used by the teaching staff or somewhere visible for easy reference.

②“Vomit Clean-up Procedure”

In the material, we have provided information regarding specific clean-up methods and items necessary for the vomit clean-up procedure. It is helpful to store all necessary items and this material in the same bucket.

③“Take care of yourself to prevent heatstroke”

This material is a beneficial material to be carried during activities inside and outside school. Please use this material for preventing heatstroke or treating suspected heatstroke in children.

How to Access the Documents

Please refer to “References & Manuals” page in this website